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I Love Babies!!! But I Sure Hate You!
Thursday, Apr. 08, 2004, 8:56 p.m.

MOOD: Fine... Headache... But I am ok.
MUSIC: Juan Luis Guerra
WEATHER: Still Raining... Flooding!!!

Good Evening!

I was so excited earlier about the ability to come on and post some good news for once about 'the thing.' Wouldn't you know it, right now, my ears are ringing and my head is killing me. But it's still ok, because I know all I need to do is eat and take 2 T3's and I should be fine. That T3 is something else.

On Tuesday, I had the pleasure of going to the ER because my lovely insurance people felt I needed some help with pain management. At first I was very reluctant to go because I know exactly how they do stuff over there. They are so short staffed it's not even funny! I get there and I am the only one there but still had to wait an hour to see someone. It's so ok though because they really helped me feel better. After we talked for a while, the doctor said she was going to get me some benedryl and tylenol with codene. She and the nurse said it would help me sleep very well for the night and since I had not slept more than 2-3 hours in the past 2 days, I was very excited. I took these 4 adorable pink pills and she told me to take the T3 once I got home. By the time I got home and changed clothes I was in the land of delirium. I could barely stay awake to eat something so I could take the T3. It was nice. I slept for twelve hours. I woke up refreshed and totally pain free.

Wednesday I got to go see Dr. M. who I love. She is really a fantastic Dr. You can tell she is concerned and eager to figure all of this out. So, she got me a Rx for some more T3, and then is getting me some referals to see a neurologist out of state and some referals to have different testing done. I felt good yesterday, just tired which I suppose I can understand. My body is sleep deprived and has been in agony for months! I didn't sleep so good last night without the bendryl, but it was definately a lot easier considering that I was not hurting and waking up in pain every 10 minutes.


Today has been a good day overall. No pain, no nothing. I talked to 3 of my teachers. What godsends are they? All willing to work with me... worried I will get a lower grades than I normally do. It's support like this that keeps me motivated. I definately want to keep my A's inline.... I might settle for some B's. But a C is definately not even something I can consider. I did not wait all these years to go back to school and end up with C's. So, next week, it's going to be a mad dash to get everything done. A have a million tests to make up and lots of homework... but I'm ready for it.

All right, enough about my health.

Last night, I was surfing the internet... and came across a clique for baby lovers. I thought this was so absolutely sweet! Since I myself loves kids and rings and cliques, I figured I would join up you know? I am hoping to one day be a mother. However, something about the site just did not sit well with me. So, I figured I would look around, and let me tell you.... I discovered exactly what was NOT right with this babyloving clique. Here is an excerpt of their rules:

The clique owners are Christians. We pride ourselves with family-friendly cliques...
This allows people of all ages to view the sites listed with us, without feeling guilt.
This DOES NOT mean, if you don't qualify to join our cliques, that we hate you, that we think your site is horrible, that we think you aren't a good person, or anything else like that. We simply need and desire to keep the cliques clean.

1) You must love babies :)
2) No using the Lord's name in vain, cussing, cursing, or any link/clique/fan titles containing such offensive words
3) If your site contains something objectionable, you will not be added
4) PLEASE have at least ONE page that's in English, preferably an 'about you' page (If I can't read it, how do I know if you followed the rules?!)
5) Please use the code that will pop up after you join. I would appreciate the graphic or text code going on your site because I want other people to join as well. ALL YOU NEED TO CHANGE is the graphic of your choice. Put it up within an hour after joining. Please make sure the code is easy to find.
6) If you do not own a site, you are still free to join! Just put in n/a for not applicable in all the spaces that have to do with a site or url. :)
7) If you are not accepted into the clique for any reason, please remove the code from your site and please don't take it personally. Thanks.

Now... curiosity really sank in when I saw #3. I can understand no cursing and loving babies, but what could fall under objectionable? It just seemed really odd to have that in a "baby clique". Why in the world did I have to ask... So, stupid me decided to click on the word objectionable and this is what I discovered.

I will now take a moment to disect this BS. Bare with me... or skip it, I don't care.

No cussing, cursing, or using the Lord's name in vain

Ok, I can totally understand this one. Yeah... No cursing is good and I know at times I have a mouth like sailor... something I am working on.

No pro-choice (pro-abortion) sites will be considered.

Maybe when I fell off that idiot truck, it caused a lot more harm than I thought... but I could have sworn that Pro-Choice means you are in favor of a woman having a CHOICE. It does not mean you support abortion. I personally am Pro-Choice. My choice is that I won't have an abortion, but if some other woman chooses to have one.. go head girl... do your thing. Not my place to judge what you do with your body. Plus, am I going to sit around meddling in your business and convince you to have a kid you can't support and then what? So many kids are in foster care with no where to go. Where are they anti-choice people then? Ugh... don't even get me started.

No support of homosexual, bisexual or transexual relations.

I can see how your support of this could interfere with loving babies. I am going to have to go check out the definition of a Christian all over again. My Websters must be SUPER old. Makes me wonder how many people she/they deal with on a daily basis.

No hentai, pornography, links to pornography, or hints to it - no nudity at all.

Hints to it? What does that mean exactly? No discussion of how babies are made? Where they come from? What you and your husband did the night before to attempt to conceive one? Maybe, these baby lovers get their kids from factories where nudity never happens. They are living in the "I Love Lucy" era and have seperate beds... Two twin beds in the masterbedroom with a nice oak nightstand in between.

No participation in or support of catholicism, mormanism, paganism, jehovah's witness, islam, muslim, channeling, cult, occult, new age, witchcraft, black/white magick/magic, christian science, masons, or any other religion that goes against my Lord Jesus Christ and the Word of God (if in doubt, contact me).

Huh? I am going to skip the obvious ... and go for the Mason's... which are not even a "religious group" (I think...aren't they more of a fellowship? Guys getting together? Like the Elks or Kiwana's? )Mormons are most definately not against "her" Lord Jesus Christ. And I should know since as we all know I am married to one... Well, maybe they are since she clearly has a Lord that I know nothing about. The Lord Jesus Christ that I was raised believing in loves everyone. Maybe "her" Jesus did not die for all of our sins... but just a select few. Ohhhh... she has me steaming!!! Channelers do not believe in JC? Some maybe, but to say all? Come on lady... wow! Is she joking? Do you think this was an April Fools joke? Seriously though... why those and not others? If I am buddist or Jewish can I join? What makes her truly tacky is the line, "or any other religion that goes against my ...". Against is a pretty strong word. I tell you what, MY Lord Jesus Christ would be quite saddened by her inability to love her neighbor. I have a mind to go infiltrate their "clique" and see what kind of cult she belongs to. Maybe she will send me a copy of her bible that clearly defines all these non baby lovers.

Ok.... Sorry. I could not let that one go. Some people just really peeve me to no end. You know this is going up in my hall of shame. Lunatic woman... what's next? No Native Americans, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians....

I am off to eat now... make this headache go away. Perhaps I can add an entry before bed.

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