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Will This Chair Support Me?
Thursday, Apr. 29, 2004, 3:28 p.m.

MOOD: Freaked Out
MUSIC: Maroon5
WEATHER: Today It Is Uncomfortably Hot

Happy Afternoon Everyone!!

I am sitting here enjoying the silence... well, take out the sound of the jets taking off every 2 minutes and I would have silence.

Well good golly miss molly... I just jinxed myself. As I was sitting here typing that beautiful sentence above, for the first time ever, my cats and dogs decided to start fighting. I don't know how to handle those kind of situations since I am not crazy enough to jump in the middle of animals who are in battle. The dogs were freaking out and the cats were screaming. The cats were so spastic they would swipe at a dog and then start attacking eachother. So, I decided to grab a bottle of Windex and scream at the top of my lungs while standing on a chair. They ignored me so I did my best impression of squirting water and that caused one of the cats to run off. I knew I would never be bold enough to spray the Windex so I ran to find something louder than they were being. I couldn't find anything so I went back to the chair and started screaming and clapping. That finally caught their attention. I was able to seperate them and put them in different rooms as I made my rounds checking for wounds.

The fight was over this. I originally made it for the dogs, but recently the cats have been trying to make it their own. It is nestled under the end of my desk so when I am sitting here typing, the girls can curl up in it and be near me. Milagro (isn't she a cutie?) was laying in it, minding her business and here comes Miss Capricorn hissing. I hear Milli growling but thought nothing of it until Decymburr showed up to add her 2 cents. Now, I must add, Milagro and Decymburr are both my youngest babies. Both spoiled rotten and think they run the house. Decymburr thrives off of torturing everyone. Someone put it in her head that she was a badass and she has been believing it ever since. She's so bold, that at times when she is sitting in the hallway, she will swipe at Ashley as he passes her as though he is bothering her. Anyway... I knew once Decymburr showed up I should haul ass, and I did. Fur was flying (*ode to my m-i-l: "was it fur or was it hair?") and all I could hear was barking and hissing. I spotted the chair across the room and took refuge on top of it (hoping it would support me) and began my screaming. I realize now, that in the end I was screaming and clapping so loud that I hurt my hands and my throat is killing me.

I put Decyburr in my bedroom and I can hear that she is NOT happy so I guess I should let her out. Aparently the cube is currently tainted because no one wants to get in it now. I guess I'll clean it out, run the blanket and pillows through the wash and see if that helps any.

I shall return later on.

*While my mother-in-law was here, her grandson became ill and she figured it was due to an allergic reaction to my cats. She then went on to explain to us that there is a difference between certain cats and dogs because some of them have fur and some have hair. Her dog has hair. Uh Huh.

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