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Oh Lord, I am Schizophrenic
Sunday, Apr. 04, 2004, 4:12 a.m.

MOOD: Tired... but not sleepy
MUSIC: Screeching Sounds of Ashanti
WEATHER: Raining

What in the hell am I doing up?

In truth, I am not really all that tired, but I know if I don't hit the hay soon, I'll still be sleeping at 2 p.m. and that is not how I intend to spend my Sunday. What does it matter how long I sleep though since I really don't plan on doing much anyway.

Ash cleaned his work area today. I just saw it and had to do a happy dance. It hasn't looked like that clean in over 2 years. Of course, the real reason for the cleaning is because his family is coming into town. It looks as though next weekend, I will finally meet his sister. (After being together for 10 years... aint that a bitch?) I am not really looking forward to this visit from them. It's so hard to welcome people with open arms who made it very clear that I was not in the top 2 million of their favorite people. Anyway, as usual, I'll put on my smile and go about my business.

As I type this, I have the hear the screeching sounds of Ashanti in the background. Good God does she sing like a crow. Where exactly is this talent that people went on and on about? Where is the voice that got her all those Grammy's? Did all those people get to hear something better than what I have been hearing? And even worse than her bad singing is those moves she does. Girlfriend, hire a choreographer or something.

Tonight, as I sat home and thought about my hellish 2 weeks of head pain... I realized what my problem was. I have been suppressing my inner bitch too long. Where I should be acting like one, I end up just smiling and trying to keep the peace. That shit is about to come to an end. The Real Mo is making a comeback. I am sure many many people won't like that.

Speaking of people... MY BOSS (and I am using that term loosely tonight) had the nerve to mock my sickness and then ask me if I had schizophrenia. She said she would diagnose me as such because I go around the office firing people. Well GOOOOOLLLLY. I am so glad she cleared that up for me. Donald must be one deranged mofo. And for those wondering, no she was not being funny. She was being dead on serious, or least that is what I read from it. Perhaps if she spent enough time in the office observing the behavior of some of her staff, she would see why I fire people. She’d be firing them too. So, for everyone out there who has ever even considered uttering the words “You’re fired” to anyone.... DON’T DO IT!!!

I guess I’ll close for now and head off to bed. I want to be awake before noon.

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