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Infertile Me Dot Com
Wednesday, Apr. 21, 2004, 12:23 a.m.

MOOD: Happy... and Finally Friggin' Rested
WEATHER: Beautiful Day :)


I slept. And now I am wired. I got FIVE hours of sleep!! It was amazing. Of course, I woke up hurting like a bitch, but I didn't give a shit. I was finally rested. I have now been up for 4 hours and I think I am going to take some sleeping pills and dive back into bed. Of course, I'll probrably get too much sleep (wtf is that?) and then be miserable all day tomorrow.

I just wrapped up putting up the index page of Infertile Me. I never realized how stupid people were... amazing how many morons think infertile me means that I want to get it on or something. Anyway, I think I may be slightly obsessed with things; I start and can't let it go until I am done. But, I have promised myself that I would take this site nice and slow. Not even taking it one day at a time, but maybe one week at a time. Plus, it might mean something if lil' 'ol infertile me was trying to do something about it right now, which I am not. Ten years is a long ass time to try and conceive. I am in need of a 10 year break now. Well, not really... but definately a few months.

I am going to have a lot of fun with it all though because Ash is involved. A while back... actually, a LONG while back Ashley used to doodle on these peices of paper, making these odd sperm-like designs that people loved. It was suggested he make a BIG one and sell it. A lot of people were interested in purchasing it. Of course, my DH can't start and finish anything... so for several years this work of art (which we chose to name Conception) has been sitting around waiting to get finished. So, when I decided to do the new site, it was suggested that Ash do the conception art for it. Talk about a play on words. So, we scanned in some of what he had done, and that is what I will be working with to make the background and buttons and so on. He says he is now going to finish it. If he finishes it, I am convinced that I will get pregnant and give birth to a 7 lb healthy girl. That is how LOW the odds are that he will finish this thing. But, he has done some of it, which is enough for me to use. We would probrably be millionaires if he had finished that thing. Everyone who saw it wanted one. Oh well.

Work was long and a pain in my ass. My royal ass. But I did learn a few things. Mainly that when you are out of the work environment for an extended period of time, it is not wise to wear your new suede (overly high heeled) boots on your first day back no matter how sharp you are trying to look. I will share the rest of my knowledge tomorrow.

Good night

Kinda freaky... eh? Imagine it on a 3' x 2' canvas completely covered? This is copyrighted material so don't even think about trying to steal it. I have a law firm (not just 1 lawyer) behind me and I will track you down and ... well... you know! It won't be pretty. Enjoy the view... keep your fingers off of it.

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fallen petals - new blooms

|[ Brownie makes me so happy ;)]|