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Today Was A Day
Thursday, Apr. 22, 2004, 10:51 p.m.

MOOD: Good
MUSIC: P. Diddy (My future husband)

Hello... Sux Noncommunications sucks. Yet again tonight their service is all jacked up. The internet connection has been on and off for the past hour. How unstable is their shit? Can we have at least one week where nothing goes wrong with it?

Today was a day. One of those days where 800 things happen and I end up having 800 different reactions to them. I feel if I type about it all, this entry will be 200 pages long.

I woke up early and got ready for school/work. Ash was running late so I ended up skipping the school part of my day. I was supposed to go take several tests which I naturally did not mind postponing. I had a mock interview today for my Employment Strategies class. I ended up trying on 2348493 outfits before choosing a burgandy pant suit. Anyway... I was not looking forward to that at all.

I went to work... and sat there. Got to loviest email from an ex student of mine. She recently relocated to a MUCH nicer part of the country and after enduring a few weeks of illness, she discovered she was pregnant. She was quite upset about it and disappointed with herself... but I let her know it was ok. Enjoy the surprise cause there are many many woman (ME!ME!ME!ME!ME!ME!ME!ME!ME!ME!ME!) who would LOVE to have a little bundle of joy. What in the hell do I need to do in order to have an oops moment? Several of my students are pregnant... I love ooohing and ahhhing over their babies and ultrasound pictures while secreting plotting their demise (j/k). Anyway, that was a pleasant surprise and really brightened my day to know that I affected someones life. That is what they pay me for.

I left work around 1 to go do this interview thing. I love the idea of leaving my job to do a fake interview for another job. Hmmmmmm. Yeah. That went ok. The interviewer was fast... I was probrably there for less than 10 minutes.

I went back to work and talked to students and my co-workers. We were having a meeting about our Direct Grant Aid. I wanted to sit in to see how they were going to distribute the money to eligible students. Bad decision because I was not happy with how they were doing it. I have to go back and listen to more of it tomorrow and I think I am going to voice my concerns and opinions which will definately put me on the outs. Oh well.

After all that I stuck around for a bit, talking to Shan and some other people before I headed home for the night. The drive home takes even longer now because they are redoing the entrance to the base so we have to cross these railroad tracks and come in through the side area. It's chaotic and stupid as hell. I hate driving back and forth these days.

Anyway, I came home to a nice dinner (thank you Ashley). I ate and sat down to watch my Thursday night programming. Survivor pissed me off. Boston Rob is annoying as hell. I can not stand to hear him talking. I have to mute the damn TV everytime I see his mouth even twitching like he is going to speak. CSI was a repeat. I hate that word; repeat. Now last week, and I was trying my best to avoid discussing Carrie Weaver. I love the show ER but I am no fan of that bitch. They clearly write the show that way. They don't want us to like her... So, knowing this, why do they keep doing such awful shit to her? Last week when Sandy died, I cried. How awful was that? AND THEN she goes to see her son and these people won't let her? She looked so pitiful... it was acted out so well. I just started boohooing. I do not want to like this woman. I went through the same thing when she miscarried earlier on in the show. Of course, she came back the following episode being her usual bitchy self so any pity I felt for her immediately vanished. You know, I love ER though because there is just something about that show that gets me sucked in. I watch it everyone morning (or try to) when it comes on for 2 hours on TNT. I know practically every episode, I know what is going to happen but there are those occassional episodes that I lose myself. Like the one where (John) Carter and Lucy get stabbed. Weaver walks into that room and sees them on the floor and makes that awful half scream noise. EVERYTIME I see it, I get goosebumps. Then I cry and freak out... I know Carter lives and Lucy dies, so why do I get all wound up like I don't know what is going to happen? Who knows...

Yesterday was an interesting day. I was at work ALL day. Before I left in the morning I received an email from the cousin. I responded to it. I don't know what is going to happen next and I honestly don't care. I am seriously going to remove their last name from mine though. I am going to do so with Ashley's consent and support, so I don't feel bad at all. Should I?

Nothing else really has happened. Nothing I want to really get into at the moment. I have yet another long day tomorrow. Ugh. I can not wait until summer.

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