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She's Growing Up Too Fast
Wednesday, Jun. 02, 2004, 3:02 p.m.

MOOD: At Ease
MUSIC: Oprah
WEATHER: A Whopping 95 Degrees

I have moved... visit my new site over at However, you can still read today's entry below.

Yesterday I went into town and had a wonderful "day of me." It was long overdue and much needed. Ashley went along with me so that he could keep a watchful eye on Patrick. I ended up getting some Taj Mahal-ish symbol on my tips (in white)... and I think it looks pretty good. Way too fancy for my mother's taste, so I will have to go and get it toned down before I leave town.

Afterwards we went to dinner at this place call Cotton Patch with Shannon. I am not a big fan of Cotton Patch, but it wasn't too bad. The service sucked big monkey nuts, but the food was good. Then it was off to Wal-Mart where I spent 300 on Ihavenoideawhat.

I got home around 11, which was much later than I expected. When I sat down to check me email, I saw that I had received an email from my baby sister Carmen. Well, Carmen is not really the baby in the family, but we sure treat her like she is. She recently turned 18 and we are really freaking out about that. It seems as if overnight she blossomed into this worldly woman with an opinion to boot. She told us last month that she was not going to college and is considering moving to New York or New Jersey. Ugh!! The mere idea of her heading north to live a life there scares me to death. Plus, this sudden opinion that college is stupid and she is not going is really driving me up a wall. I have tried to explain to her 100 times over that she will regret it later on just like I did. Of course, then she has to bring up how I managed to do just fine in life without completing college. That is somewhat true, but I DID start!! She doesn't even want to go though. I throw it back in her face that I am back in school now, but she doesn't care. Anyway, I was so excited to get this email because she was a little upset over the whole school thing. I was NOT prepared for what was in this email.

Carmen recently started dating an Asian guy which is a big no-no. Carmen's mother is a very traditional Hispanic woman who thinks that her daughter should not date outside of her race. So, when Carmen started dating him it caused all kinds of hell. Plus, he is her first boyfriend and it symbolized her coming of age, which none of us ever wanted to happen.

The email went on to tell me that she and her boyfriend split up and she has begun dating an African-American guy. Her mother is freaking out, which is expected. As I was reading, I was prepared to right her back and tell her to keep her head up and maybe her mother will come around like she did with the other guy. But, that was not her problem...

Sensitive people and those under 18 should stop reading right here.

My sister�s problem is that she is dating this guy and he won't go down on her. OHMYGAWD!!! She wants to know why and how she can convince him to "try" since she does it to him. She wrote, "I have showed him several times that I am more than willing (and able) to give him oral pleasure. After I get done he seems offended and tells me to never do it again. When I ask him if he will do me, he tells me he doesn't do that and wants to go right to having sex."

I damn near fell out of my chair while reading this. I don't even know how to write her back. What I really want to do is get in my car and drive to Colorado and smack her upside her head. My older sister Ange told me this morning that she called and told Carmen that sex is evil and she shouldn't do it period. I doubt that will work. I think the best way for me to approach the situation is to be honest. I admit I was getting my groove on at 18, but I don't want her to. I should tell her it's either sex or school and if she picks sex, I am going to call her mother. I am sure our dad is pacing in heaven; Freaking out that she is even on this path. What in the world am I going to do????

On other news, I guess we are going for China. Last night Ashley was talking about names... getting excited. He was talking about "our daughter." He kept saying things like, "When she goes...", "When she does...", "If she wants...� It was precious. You can tell he is getting excited and I am absolutely ready to do this. Having a 'day of me' is something I need and deserve, but when I look at the puzzle pieces of my life, what is long overdue is a child laughing in the halls of this house. That is long overdue. So. Very. Overdue.

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