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Ugh!! The Air Force is Driving Me Crazy!!
Saturday, Jun. 05, 2004, 9:00 a.m.

MOOD: Annoyed

I have moved... visit my new site over at However, you can still read today's entry below.

Way back when, ok, last November-ish it was decided by our lovely government that Ashley was going to go to Korea in May for a year. At the time it was good news because we wanted nothing more than to get out of New Mexico. The idea that I would once again live somewhere with grass and trees thrilled me to the bone. We made all the necessary arrangements, talked about how we would deal with the separation, how often I would got visit, the families came out to say their goodbyes and we started working on our finances. Ashley being gone for a year at that time would have really put us in a nice place financially.

A few months ago, they decided NOT to send him to Korea. So, we readjusted our plans. Ashley got back into school and get his last few credits for his Bachelor's. I went back to school to work on my 3 degrees. We decided to start working on our family and our future. Where are we going? What are we doing? Where will be live? We had such a nice plan going.

Yesterday, the powers that be decided that he IS going to Korea. Now he is scheduled to go in November. Isn't that lovely? Now that we are waist deep in the adoption process... I am so annoyed; I don't know what to do. Ashley is pretty certain that he won't be going, but what if I proceed and he does get sent? It would be different if he was going somewhere and then returning here to live, but the whole point of going to Korea is to PCS somewhere else. We would be moving the following winter to a whole new state. That would really put a wrench in the adoption! I even thought what if we get the home study out of the way and then I go alone to China, but I don't want that. Hell, we don't want that. Ashley wants all of us to go over together and meet our daughter. He is making plans on how we can get my parents to join us. It would be a devastating blow to him to miss that. We tried to put a positive spin on it, but there is none.

I really have no idea what to do. For now, I am just going to keep moving forward and take things day by day. What I really want to do is go choke Ashley's supervisors and tell them to tell whoever their bosses are to leave my husband alone.

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